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WeChat Marketing

Use WeChat to engage your audience and empower business growth.

Why is WeChat marketing important in China?

WeChat serves as the most critical social media channel for every business operating in China with great flexibility and scalability to integrate with SCRM and provide customer services. It has become a powerful tool for businesses to engage with audience, generate demand and grow followers.

We build effective WeChat strategies to meet your business and communications goals. Our process takes into account your current marketing funnel, target audience, and competitors to come up with tailored WeChat content and growth strategy.

Our WeChat Marketing Services Include:

  • Account Activation & Set-up

  • Strategy and Planning

  • WeChat VI & Content Guide 

  • Account Operations 

  • Content Development

  • WeChat Campaigns

  • Mini-program & H5 Development

  • Influencer Marketing

FAQs for WeChat Marketing

Ready to engage your audience on WeChat? 
We're here to help!

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